

Interior Painting

Life Happens! People move, families grow, and the house starts to show imperfections.
We are here to help by patching up and covering those dents and modernize your home again.

Exterior Painting

Weather is cruel. If your home receives direct sunlight, it is even more important to paint your siding and check for crack caulking. By not doing so, you may be at risk of other problems such as wood rot and hidden mold. In another note, the outside of your home is what everyone sees first, and it should be an eye catcher. Thanks to a refreshing new coat of paint your home can be modernized.
Kitchen Cabinet Painting

Affordable and hassle free! It’s much faster and less expensive to paint than purchasing a new set of kitchen cabinets. Kitchen cabinet painting increases the home value; therefore, it has a higher chance of selling if you ever put it in the market.

Deck Refinishing & Repair

Staining or painting which option suits you best? Staining is great for a rustic more natural appearance because it lets the wood stand out more. You have the option of a clear sealer, semitransparent or solid stain which will allow the deck to have a slight touch of color highlighting the wood. Now if you prefer to cover up the wood, hide its flaws, or want to have unlimited color options, painting is your way to go.

Wood Rot Repair

The exterior of a house is always exposed to moisture and heat which are the main reason for wood rot to develop. Warning signs of wood rot that needs repairing include crumble to the touch, soft/spongy, or crack appearance.

Custom Built-ins & Entry Cubbies

When you lack storage and have empty space there’s no reason to purchase bulky furniture. Instead, we can do custom built-ins to maximize the space while adding character to your home.